Please correct my thinking but what is being taught (so that dummies like myself can understand) is that the universe is a/ the product of a reaction, one of the elements of the reaction is energy and the energy was neutralized in the resulting universe.
- Fisherman
I have absolutely no idea where you're getting that idea from. The big bang is the furthest back we can see. We don't know if there was a "before the big bang" because all the evidence seems to indicate that time started WITH the big bang. And, as causality is necessarily temporal - it makes no sense to have prior "causes".
If this is hard to follow let me give you some basic cognitive tools. Things which "exist" are embedded in spacetime and are, in principle, measurable. Things that don't exist, are not. Something that "exists" for zero seconds - or that is fundamentally undetectable - are identical to things that don't exist.
We can't claim that God exists and then turn around and say, "He's undetectable and exists outside of space/time." That is, by its very definition, non-existence. And, when you talk about "invisible qualities", that's EXACTLY what you're doing. You are putting him in the same category as leprechauns and fairies. If you have no way of detecting something there is no way to know it is real.
One other point, the "dynamics of the formation of the universe" (i.e. physics) are descriptive. Not proscriptive. They are mathematical tools that describe how energy and space/time interact. They are abstractions we use to quantify our universe. But they don't exist as an intrinsic part of the universe.
A lot of people have a hard time understanding this so I'll give a simple analogy. The laws of the universe are like the top speed of your car. It is a property of the physical limitations of your engine and gearing system. We could describe this speed as a law - the Law of Fisherman's Top Car Speed.
Whereas the speed limit - how fast you should go - is a prescriptive law. It is determined by a body of individuals about how fast you should go. Not how fast you can go.
The laws individuals prescribe can be broken. Even so called "God's Laws" can be broken - because they too are prescriptive. However, physical laws CANNOT be broken. Because they are not prescribed.